WorldPeace University Foundation

World Peace University Foundation (WPUF) is a nonprofit initiative headquartered in Bellingham, committed to fostering global peace through accessible education. Embracing the ethos of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (the world is one family), WPUF endeavors to cultivate a culture of peace and sustainability, transcending barriers of nationality, ethnicity, and creed. Our flagship project, the World Peace University, serves as a beacon of hope, offering innovative online hybrid education programs dedicated to the pursuit of peace, nonviolence, and sustainable living.

Our mission

WPUF is dedicated to providing accessible online hybrid education for world peace, advocating for sustainable practices, and nurturing a sense of global citizenship. We aim to empower individuals worldwide with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to contribute meaningfully to a more peaceful and harmonious world.

Our vision

Our vision is to establish World Peace University as a global hub for academic excellence and research in peace studies, sustainable agriculture, and food systems. Through strategic partnerships with academic institutions, nonprofits, and civil society organizations worldwide, we aspire to create a network of change-makers committed to building a more equitable, peaceful, and sustainable future.

a large building with a large white swan in the foreground
a large building with a large white swan in the foreground

Board of Directors

World Peace University Foundation is a group of individuals who share the same goals and are determined to achieve Sustainable Development Goal number 4, which is to make education accessible to all. The foundation is led by experienced and dedicated social workers and peace builders, Our founding team is Jessica Rees, Birendra Kumar, Hena John Fisk, Elizabeth Gamarra, Edgar Gramiger and Osee Liberman. With their combined experience of over 100 years in the development sector, they firmly believe that education is the key to creating a peaceful and prosperous world. They are devoted to using their time, skills, and knowledge to turn this vision into a reality. Their mission is to form a global community where every person, regardless of their background or circumstances, has equal access to quality education. Together, they strive to build a brighter future for everyone.

Jessie Rees Founder Director

Hena John Fisk Co-Founder Director

Birendra Kumar Excutive Director

Edgar Gramiger International Director

Elizabeth Gamarra International Director

Osee Liberman International Relation Director